Sunday, August 29, 2010


We need hardcore prayers!

Hello friends and family, here is the situation

Personally i was not in the van, i was on my work duty back at the base cooking lunch when this happened, but this is what happened to the team today.

Today we were driving back from a church service here in Guatemala City. We were driving down a two lane road with double lines. As we were turning into a parking spot on the right side of the road with our blinker on, a man on a motorcycle tried to pass us on the right (illegal passing ). We slammed on the breaks but he was going so fast and crashed right into our van. The man was on his company’s delivery motorcycle.

As of right now the man is in the hospital. While visiting and attempting to speak with the man, he demanded $5,000 as a settlement for medical bills. Here is where the situation lies. There are two options from this point.

The first option is that we pay the $5,000 settlement which we have discovered is a non-negotiable price. After we pay, everything would be dropped and the case would be over. The second option is that we do not pay the money and the case is handed over to the police and the governmental system. Keep in mind this is a corrupt system. Our fear is not whether or not we would win the case. The man is completely in the wrong and even put a guard outside of his hospital room to keep his own lawyers from convincing him he is truly wrong. His company wants to fire him and his lawyers threatened to leave him for these actions. Despite all of this, he is refusing to budge from his $5,000 demand. However, if the case is handed over to the authorities, our van will be seized and we will likely be detained in the country until the case is over. Unfortunately, this process could take months. Seeing how this is a DTS outreach team of international students, we have many visas and flights that would need to be rescheduled and changed not to mention the extra amount of money this would take. This would be a very challenging spot to be in because many of us have prior commitments in numerous countries to which we need to return.

We need to make a decision on this situation fast. If we do not pay or agree to pay the settlement by tomorrow morning the case will be handed over to the authorities. We need prayer and God to speak quickly!

Please be praying for us. Pray for this man who is in the hospital. Pray that God will move his heart to change or get a lower settlement.

If you are willing to donate to this ridiculous cause, please obey what God asks you to do.

Please keep in mind that we realize what is happening in unjust and definitely not fair. Pray that God’s name is glorified through this situation despite our inability to see it sometimes. Pray that we are faithful and patient and know that God will deliver us from this situation however that might be.

Monday, August 23, 2010


SORRY IT HAS TAKEN SO LONG! But instead of writing three pages i decided to make a video! But I will post Pictures soon don't worry, and i promise i will actually do it! This video is an update for the past month or so! Love and miss you all!! Just to let everyone know, I am fasting facebook and skype for a while so i would love to come back with a few messages on there ( HINT HINT) Love and miss you all. God is doing amazing things in my life! Thank you for your support, Thank you for your love, and Thank you for your prayers!! I am blessed to have you all in my life!! Love you guys!
Many Blessings

Monday, August 2, 2010


This life is a crazy, wild ride. Sit in the front seat. Buckle up. Drive fast. Slow down. Keep moving. Be still. Look around. Take it in. Let it out. Feel the pain. Find the joy. See the sadness. Create solutions. Love BIG. Lighten up. Go deep. Laugh it out. Soak it in. Walk in the light. Be the salt. Brighten the world. Yeah... like that. ♥