Friday, July 16, 2010

These are for you Papa Max... Love and Miss you!

This place was really cool. We found a cigar shop in the red light district during the day time and got to talk to the owners, got to know them a little. They were from Cuba. The shop was really awesome! In the front was the shop and when you went more towards the back, it went through a little doorway that turned in to a really classy, nice lounge area. As soon as I saw the shop, I of coarse thought of you!! I wanted to buy you a real cuban one but didn't think it would be good by the time i got it to you. When we get back we will have to go to 15c or when you guys come to Hawaii to see me we will have to do our thing :) Love and miss you Pap!!

Hope all is well with you. Miss you like crazy daddy!! MUUUUUAH!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Even in the most painful places......

There is still beauty and innocence...

When I was in Tijuana, we worked in the red light district almost every single night. We were able to get to know the people in the city and start to build a few relationships with them. The red light district is a place where Sex and Drugs are completely out in the open, no shame, in your face, all the time. You walk down one street and you see Girls of all ages lined up to be sold for the night, just so some of them can pay the rent. Although this place has so much pain, God still shines through with His innocence and hope.

God's Beauty

We went to a Memorial at the border between Mexico and the United States, where many died while crossing the border illegally. A few pictures....



The idea that this is a place of heroism, honor, and hope for Mexicans, is quite a tragedy.
So many wasted lives....
Item Of Ripped Clothing On The Fence

Reflection Of The Crosses

Thousands lost their lives for being desperate for something better.

Papa.... YOU are the Hope in this world



Monday, July 5, 2010

Life On The Edge

Day 3
Been to the red light districts since the day we landed.
Streets lined with women (and men) being sold like they are candy in a store. Acting as if I am in a relationship and we are interested in buying, just so we can find out information on how much girls are sold for. Seeing Young Girls at the age of 7 standing at the corner with the lustful eyes their fathers told them to use. Being warned by a pimp shaking his cutting knife no, just for trying to get a picture..... Danger is breathing down my neck....

Papa.... You are so strong... You are present... You Are Faithful....You are with me Father, and are guiding me where I am supposed to go. Thank you Father for keeping us safe in your arms Father...

This Is where I am supposed to be

(Pictures Soon)