I can't believe I have already been gone for an entire month! Time has flown by and it is not slowing down. Since I have been here I learned many things about who God wants me to be and what he wants me to do for Him. This place is a beautiful painting that Papa is teaching me how to see through his eyes. We are all Papa's creation and we are all stunningly unique in our own ways. Having room mates from all over the world has been such an amazing experience. The picture you see is a picture of my room mates and I when we went out to sushi for a little roomie outing. Learning how to use chopsticks properly, laughing until tears role down our faces because none of us know how to pronounce each others languages, smiling until our cheeks hurt from the bonds and sisterhood we are forming with one another. All of this makes you realize that although we may come from different backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures, we are all one body in Christ... We are all brothers and sisters and we all are His creation.
Thank you for being the artist that you are.