I can not even begin to think about how much time has gone by and how much stuff i still have to take care of before i leave!! The clock is ticking and man can i feel it! My last day of work is April 3rd!!! I'm really excited to leave but am also going to miss the friends that i have made there. Today I started packing a little and started to get things organized. I'm looking at fixed lenses right now because I am thinking of getting one before i leave! i have two zoom lenses right now and would really love to get just a regular fixed lens. Packing up everything is really crazy.... It's like packing my life away.. Kind of a crazy realization of growing up....
When I get back from YWAM... i will be living in my own place! it's just kinda crazy in the fact of starting out fresh. I have been praying a lot lately for bravery.... This world is huge and i am taking it head on... I am so incredibly excited and ready. I am more then ready to see what God has for me down the road, but the reason I pray for bravery is because i really do tend to get intimidated on occasion with the thought of leaving EVERYTHING behind and just starting out new....
I know God has many plans for my life.....
I'm ready Father...
Take me by the hand father... and guide the way... my heart and mind are open and with you Father... Guide me down the path you have in store for me... give me strength, courage, wisdom, hope, laughter, and friendships.... Father you are good. You are a loving God.. Allow me to feel your love everyday... Father put your hand over my journeys and keep me safe in your arms...
I love you Father...
You Are Beautiful Father
Emily Ray Hatfield