Friday, September 10, 2010

As it comes to an end....

SO, i know that i left you all hanging in Guatemala, but everything worked out in God's timing :) Although I have yet to put up pictures from each country, that is still a work in progress. After many hours of sorting my pictures. I have finally been able to come up with a few albums that i will be putting up in the next two weeks! But for now......

WE MADE IT BACK TO TIJUANA MEXICO! From San Diego California, to Panama and BACK! What an unbelievable journey. Experiencing God's grace EVERYDAY, going through the most difficult testings of my life, seeing God's marvelous beauty; Truly i can say, it has been a blessing. So many new friends, so many new stories... I am so thrilled to share with everyone when i get home. I can not thank you all enough for your prayers and your incredible support!! God has truly blessed me with wonderful family and friends and i could not be more honored.

God has truly shown me His character and has truly guided my foot steps! I am completely new in Him and I have honestly become the women of God I know He has called me to be.
And to think....
This is only the beginning........

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We need hardcore prayers!

Hello friends and family, here is the situation

Personally i was not in the van, i was on my work duty back at the base cooking lunch when this happened, but this is what happened to the team today.

Today we were driving back from a church service here in Guatemala City. We were driving down a two lane road with double lines. As we were turning into a parking spot on the right side of the road with our blinker on, a man on a motorcycle tried to pass us on the right (illegal passing ). We slammed on the breaks but he was going so fast and crashed right into our van. The man was on his company’s delivery motorcycle.

As of right now the man is in the hospital. While visiting and attempting to speak with the man, he demanded $5,000 as a settlement for medical bills. Here is where the situation lies. There are two options from this point.

The first option is that we pay the $5,000 settlement which we have discovered is a non-negotiable price. After we pay, everything would be dropped and the case would be over. The second option is that we do not pay the money and the case is handed over to the police and the governmental system. Keep in mind this is a corrupt system. Our fear is not whether or not we would win the case. The man is completely in the wrong and even put a guard outside of his hospital room to keep his own lawyers from convincing him he is truly wrong. His company wants to fire him and his lawyers threatened to leave him for these actions. Despite all of this, he is refusing to budge from his $5,000 demand. However, if the case is handed over to the authorities, our van will be seized and we will likely be detained in the country until the case is over. Unfortunately, this process could take months. Seeing how this is a DTS outreach team of international students, we have many visas and flights that would need to be rescheduled and changed not to mention the extra amount of money this would take. This would be a very challenging spot to be in because many of us have prior commitments in numerous countries to which we need to return.

We need to make a decision on this situation fast. If we do not pay or agree to pay the settlement by tomorrow morning the case will be handed over to the authorities. We need prayer and God to speak quickly!

Please be praying for us. Pray for this man who is in the hospital. Pray that God will move his heart to change or get a lower settlement.

If you are willing to donate to this ridiculous cause, please obey what God asks you to do.

Please keep in mind that we realize what is happening in unjust and definitely not fair. Pray that God’s name is glorified through this situation despite our inability to see it sometimes. Pray that we are faithful and patient and know that God will deliver us from this situation however that might be.

Monday, August 23, 2010


SORRY IT HAS TAKEN SO LONG! But instead of writing three pages i decided to make a video! But I will post Pictures soon don't worry, and i promise i will actually do it! This video is an update for the past month or so! Love and miss you all!! Just to let everyone know, I am fasting facebook and skype for a while so i would love to come back with a few messages on there ( HINT HINT) Love and miss you all. God is doing amazing things in my life! Thank you for your support, Thank you for your love, and Thank you for your prayers!! I am blessed to have you all in my life!! Love you guys!
Many Blessings

Monday, August 2, 2010


This life is a crazy, wild ride. Sit in the front seat. Buckle up. Drive fast. Slow down. Keep moving. Be still. Look around. Take it in. Let it out. Feel the pain. Find the joy. See the sadness. Create solutions. Love BIG. Lighten up. Go deep. Laugh it out. Soak it in. Walk in the light. Be the salt. Brighten the world. Yeah... like that. ♥

Friday, July 16, 2010

These are for you Papa Max... Love and Miss you!

This place was really cool. We found a cigar shop in the red light district during the day time and got to talk to the owners, got to know them a little. They were from Cuba. The shop was really awesome! In the front was the shop and when you went more towards the back, it went through a little doorway that turned in to a really classy, nice lounge area. As soon as I saw the shop, I of coarse thought of you!! I wanted to buy you a real cuban one but didn't think it would be good by the time i got it to you. When we get back we will have to go to 15c or when you guys come to Hawaii to see me we will have to do our thing :) Love and miss you Pap!!

Hope all is well with you. Miss you like crazy daddy!! MUUUUUAH!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Even in the most painful places......

There is still beauty and innocence...

When I was in Tijuana, we worked in the red light district almost every single night. We were able to get to know the people in the city and start to build a few relationships with them. The red light district is a place where Sex and Drugs are completely out in the open, no shame, in your face, all the time. You walk down one street and you see Girls of all ages lined up to be sold for the night, just so some of them can pay the rent. Although this place has so much pain, God still shines through with His innocence and hope.

God's Beauty

We went to a Memorial at the border between Mexico and the United States, where many died while crossing the border illegally. A few pictures....



The idea that this is a place of heroism, honor, and hope for Mexicans, is quite a tragedy.
So many wasted lives....
Item Of Ripped Clothing On The Fence

Reflection Of The Crosses

Thousands lost their lives for being desperate for something better.

Papa.... YOU are the Hope in this world



Monday, July 5, 2010

Life On The Edge

Day 3
Been to the red light districts since the day we landed.
Streets lined with women (and men) being sold like they are candy in a store. Acting as if I am in a relationship and we are interested in buying, just so we can find out information on how much girls are sold for. Seeing Young Girls at the age of 7 standing at the corner with the lustful eyes their fathers told them to use. Being warned by a pimp shaking his cutting knife no, just for trying to get a picture..... Danger is breathing down my neck....

Papa.... You are so strong... You are present... You Are Faithful....You are with me Father, and are guiding me where I am supposed to go. Thank you Father for keeping us safe in your arms Father...

This Is where I am supposed to be

(Pictures Soon)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

God's Children....

My beautiful friend, Kat, from New Zealand. Her eyes truly tell a story.
Nate Lynch, a good friend of mine; If you look closely you can see me taking the picture.
My friends Teya's brother Andrew.
Teya and her family.
Beautiful little boy here on campus.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Race To The Finish

Literally only half of the bikes!

The Finish Line!!One of the bikers.
The Crew

This past weekend, I had the honor of volunteering at the IronMan Qualifiers. 70.3 miles total(and this is the half race! The full race is in October)! 1.2 miles swimming through choppy ocean water, 56 miles of biking the curvy hills of Hawaii, then finishing it off with a nice 13.1 mile run to the finish line. It is unbelievable to see the determination and strength these people have!

My friend Jonathan and I were set up at Check point #2, mile 4.5 of the running race. Our job was to write down all of the runners numbers as they ran past us. Imagine groups of 100 runners coming at you at and you having to read the numbers on their arms (which are moving) or the numbers on their tags(which were usually blowing in the wind). Let's just say I had quite the hand cramp by the end of the day, and my eyes took a while to adjust again.

People come from all over the world to race this race. All different shapes, sizes, and abilities; These people have unbelievable determination! One man stuck out to me in particular. About half way through the day, we had a mishap happen at our station. A man who had one leg, was participating in the race. For the running part, he had a bicycle that he peddled with his hands. This part of the race was a turn around point that had quite a curve to it. The man in the wheelchair came a little too fast and whipped around a little to hard, which made him go straight into the lava rock. He fell out of his chair and cut up his foot pretty badly. We helped him back up in to his chair but one of his pedals was bent up from the lava rock. Jonathan luckily was able to bend it back in place! If i was this man i would be done by this point!! I could not believe what happened next. I cleaned up his cut with what we had, we refilled his water bottle, he thanked us.... AND HE KEPT GOING! The strength of this man was so inspiring.

The day ended with meeting back up with the other 12 or so people that volunteered with my school. This day was so much fun..... It was quite the opportunity!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Home with my PAPA....

[Top Row from left to right: Keun-Ho(K), Andrew, Ben, Jonathan, Samuel, Alyssa, Malissa (our wonderful group leader).
Bottom Row from left to right: Cornelia, Sadie, Myself, Lili, Joanne, and Sarah.]

Almost two months in now.... Can you believe how time flies? It's been a while since I have posted something, so much has happened I just don't know where to begin....

I suppose I could start by saying where I will be going for outreach in July. I have been truly blessed with the countries God has chosen for me. I will be traveling to 6 or so different countries, starting in Mexico City. We will be working with efforts that expose human trafficking, working in a lot of Red Light Districts, and also traveling to unknown tribes in Central America. Tijuana, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico City; All of the places my team and I will be traveling to. We will be flying to San Diego California on July 1st I believe, and there, we will be picking up our 15 passenger van that we bought. We will then all crowd in to our new home on wheels, and begin our journey of a lifetime.
Yes you guessed it right, we will be driving the entire way, to Mexico, all the way down Central America, then back up again. To say the least, my group will become incredibly close, very quickly. With nothing but our camera gear and one backpack, this will be the most incredibly experience of our lives.

To everyone back home and to all the ones who have supported me throughout my journey's, I would not be in the incredible place i am today, without all of your prayers and the love that you have shown me.

God is truly molding me in to the daughter He has made me to be. I am growing so much in my relationship with Him and am seeing the gifts and strengths He has given me. These few months have been challenging me to take God out of the box I have had Him in for many years now. I have always had an image of who God is, but He is much bigger then I can know. I am finally following His path without looking back, and He is showing me the stepping stones He has put down for me. I am free in Him completely and have committed my life to living for Him alone. He is my heart... my mind... my hands... my feet.... my lips.... He is my LIFE... and that is all that matters to me.

Use me Papa as your tool, use my lips and actions to be your light in this world, I am NEW in you and will remain NEW in you for the rest of my days... guide the way Father, for I am all in and will never turn back.... I know that i will be tested over and over again, but I promise to you Papa, and I commit to you Papa, that I will remain in you and stay faithful to you Papa. You are holding my hand and you are never letting go. Thank you Papa....

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; It must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
John 15:4

So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law.
Galatians 5:1

These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-though your faith is far more precious then mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
1Peter 1:7

Papa... You are good.... I am yours... Take me Father

Daddy..... I AM HOME

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Papa's Beauty.....

Papa's love continues to amaze me. His beauty and wisdom is overwhelming. He is showing me that I am His beloved. I am His beautiful daughter and my Papa loves me. Papa loves me and He wants me to follow Him. He is giving me many adventures and many blessings. He has told me, " Don't run from pain, thank Me for pain and learn to overcome." He has given me a freedom that i have never felt before. I AM FREE IN HIM. My wings have been bound and He has cut me loose... Papa..... You are good...
Song of Songs 2:10
Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I can't believe I have already been gone for an entire month! Time has flown by and it is not slowing down. Since I have been here I learned many things about who God wants me to be and what he wants me to do for Him. This place is a beautiful painting that Papa is teaching me how to see through his eyes. We are all Papa's creation and we are all stunningly unique in our own ways. Having room mates from all over the world has been such an amazing experience. The picture you see is a picture of my room mates and I when we went out to sushi for a little roomie outing. Learning how to use chopsticks properly, laughing until tears role down our faces because none of us know how to pronounce each others languages, smiling until our cheeks hurt from the bonds and sisterhood we are forming with one another. All of this makes you realize that although we may come from different backgrounds, lifestyles, and cultures, we are all one body in Christ... We are all brothers and sisters and we all are His creation.

Thank you for being the artist that you are.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When The Heart Waits

"Whenever new life grows and emerges, darkness is crucial to the process. Whether it's the caterpillar in the chrysalis, the seed in the ground, the child in the womb, or the true self in the soul, there's always a times of waiting in the dark."

- Sue Monk Kidd

Blessings Come in Many Different Ways

God has been tearing my heart to pieces and seeking out the real me..... Brutal huh? When I first came here, I would have never guessed some of the things that God wanted to show me. Papa is slowly breaking down the wall that has been around my heart, my entire life. He has His bow and arrow and has drawn a target around the most raw spots. He is rubbing balm on the infected parts, and binding the deep cuts.

God is truly showing me who I am and who He has made me to be. I am His daughter and He loves me... He thinks I'm beautiful and worthy of His love. I am nothing but a freckle in His eyes yet He still chose to pick me up and hold me in His arms.

He has given me many blessings of friendship, hope, and a place where I can begin living in Him..... ALL OR NOTHING...

Thank you Papa...

For what you are doing in me.....


Friday, April 23, 2010

God will lead me where he wants me.....

Ever since I can remember, my heart has always been set on Africa. It's like an entirely different planet there..... The culture there just captures my heart. I've always had a dream of going to an African Tribe somewhere and working with Children......

These past two weeks we have been learning about how to hear God's voice and the Character of God. I have been finding out things about myself that I didn't even know were in me. Papa has been telling me things that I have never heard before... He has called me to places i have never even thought about.... India.... and Philippines.....

Make it clear where you want me.... Wherever you take me... I will go... and I will do your work.....

Everyones prayers would be truly appreciated.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have a little FAITH in Me.........

Papa.... I'm struggling... As i sit here, feeling the breeze of your amazing creation.... I question myself....

Why am i in doubt? Why must I doubt the fact that you will provide.... My heart is heavy and i have no reason for it to be heavy... Papa you have given me everything I have asked for.... but I want to hear your voice Father.... I am having troubles quieting my mind to hear your voice... Then again... I don't even know your voice...Papa I want to get to know you more so that i can recognize your voice.... I want to be someone who can tell others what you have said to me.... Speak to me Papa.... Shout out my Name! Hear my CRY and speak what you have for me.... I WANT TO HEAR YOU... Give me a sign that will let me know You are with me....

Why do I doubt!? I have no reason for a heavy heart.....

Help Me Papa... Be my Shepherd

He is........

My Strength
My Father
My Rock
My Pain
My Hope
My Guidance
My All

Thank you Papa..... For Loving Me

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here is a little preview of what our weekends look like here in Kona.... Some of my good friends Nate, Dani, and Jonathan

Body Surfin It Up

Monday, April 12, 2010


This place is beautiful... I love seeing so many different types of people come from all over the world to one school, and become one family.... it really just shows me how the world really should be.. We are all God's sons and daughters and here i have truly gained many brothers and sisters... We all come from different backgrounds, different families, different routines...... Yet all of us are alike in the fact that Jesus is our Savior and we believe we are one in him.

Papa you are an amazing artist..... no faces alike, yet all our hearts are the same... Our hearts are for you Papa.. Thank you for loving us as your sons and daughters.

Thank you for laughter and joy in you... Thank you for your love....

You continue to amaze me Papa..

Emily Ray Hatfield

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Aloha Ohana!

Papa- i am blown away by your beauty..... i wake up this morning and the first thing i see is the beautiful ocean and the smell of stunning hawaiin flowers and salt water.. father you have truly shown me beauty in a way i have never imagined... thank you for this blessing... thank you for calling these people together to love you as a family... as one body in you!!! Father thank you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

14 days......

I can not even begin to think about how much time has gone by and how much stuff i still have to take care of before i leave!! The clock is ticking and man can i feel it! My last day of work is April 3rd!!! I'm really excited to leave but am also going to miss the friends that i have made there. Today I started packing a little and started to get things organized. I'm looking at fixed lenses right now because I am thinking of getting one before i leave! i have two zoom lenses right now and would really love to get just a regular fixed lens. Packing up everything is really crazy.... It's like packing my life away.. Kind of a crazy realization of growing up....

When I get back from YWAM... i will be living in my own place! it's just kinda crazy in the fact of starting out fresh. I have been praying a lot lately for bravery.... This world is huge and i am taking it head on... I am so incredibly excited and ready. I am more then ready to see what God has for me down the road, but the reason I pray for bravery is because i really do tend to get intimidated on occasion with the thought of leaving EVERYTHING behind and just starting out new....

I know God has many plans for my life.....

I'm ready Father...
Take me by the hand father... and guide the way... my heart and mind are open and with you Father... Guide me down the path you have in store for me... give me strength, courage, wisdom, hope, laughter, and friendships.... Father you are good. You are a loving God.. Allow me to feel your love everyday... Father put your hand over my journeys and keep me safe in your arms...
I love you Father...

You Are Beautiful Father

Emily Ray Hatfield

Friday, March 19, 2010

Circus Freak

It Was amazing!!! this weekend I am in Montana seeing my grandma and a few cousins! BUT, my brothers show ended up being up here so i got to see him again!!! I haven't seen his show since two christmas' ago so it was amazing! We went out to a really nice restaurant and had an incredible dinner! We are staying at the Crowne Plaza in Billings Montana so we are high rolling this weekend :)

Only 20 Days left until HAWAII!!! AH! I can't believe it! Time has flown by and I still have a lot to do. I have been praying a lot for patience and God has really given me a deep breath. All your prayers mean so much to me, so THANK YOU!

This past semester has been really sweet for me. God has really blessed me with amazing people and amazing memories. I am really looking forward to what he has in store down the road :)


Emily Ray Hatfield

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


23 days..... Papa.. am I ready?? I sure don't feel ready. it's so unreal... are you truly giving me this huge blessing??? Papa you are so good!!! I pray that you give me patience and wisdom... I pray that you give me guidance in where you want me to be.. Father guide me down your path and on the way, show me your beauty and glory. Father you are beautiful. Thank you for what you have given me and thank you for your everlasting love.....

Emily Ray Hatfield

Monday, March 8, 2010

No more sunshine :(

even though the great weather is gone again, still gret day for shooting!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I can not believe it!!! 33 DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE!!!! I can not begin to tell you how much excitement is leaping out of my heart everyday! These past few weeks have really been crazy. I have been working my butt off, saving my earnings for this new beginning. It's been so hectic though that i haven't exactly been able to talk to any of my lovely YWAMers. It's funny how much some of us have already bonded! I actually find myself missing them!!
This past week has been GORGEOUS! Truly a gift i would say!! It's been sunny and beautiful which is an awesome change of pace!! I have been outside on my lunch breaks shooting as much as i can :) I promise i will start posting some of my pictures soon! I am still getting used to the fact that i HAVE a blog! ha! But I just wanted to say hello and just share what was goin on lately!
My brother Wes is back home for 5 days!!! It is always so awesome to see him! I always miss him like crazy. But he's always out on a new adventure and i love it when he get's back so he can share!! It's great to have family home :)

Love you all, but being the busy bee that I am, i must depart for now to go to work.

Pictures will be up soon

Emily Ray Hatfield

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hello Friends and Family!
And so it begins! The countdown until I leave for my new Adventure. On April 8th I leave for YWAM (youth with a mission). I have decided to start a blog 47 days out, so that i can share my thoughts and feelings about my life! This is the first blog entry i have ever done, so I am a bit of a Nube! HA! This blog will allow all of you to follow up on my life! I have a huge step ahead of me and I taking it full on! I'm going in with an open heart and an open mind. I am so excited to see what God has in store for my life!! I have already met a lot of people going on the trip with me and my gosh!! I can not begin to tell you how incredible they are!! I have already become very close with a few of them and i am sooo thrilled about what God is doing!!! This is so exciting and I can't wait to begin...

Keep you all posted :)

Emily Ray Hatfield